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Stolen benches will be replaced at Buffalo Central Terminal

The benches had mysteriously gone missing back in June.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo Central Terminal benches that were stolen this past summer will now be replaced thanks to a partnership with Broadview Federal Credit Union, the Foundry, and the Buffalo Central Terminal. 

The two handmade benches had been placed in October 2022 as part of the terminal's restoration project 'Seat At The Table'. The had been built by members of the Foundry's Making + Manufacturing program that teaches youth about the modern manufacturing workforce. 

The stolen benches were made out of steel and massaranduba wood which weighed between 500 and 600 pounds, causing their overnight disappearance to be rather odd.

RELATED: Buffalo Central Terminal's community benches have been stolen

The credit union had announced Friday that a community donation would cover the material and fabrication costs of new custom-made benches to replace the previous benches. 

“Broadview has branches across the Buffalo area, including one just a couple of miles from here. We believe in this neighborhood and want to see it thrive. Helping to replace the Central Terminal’s stolen benches is just the start,” Broadview CEO Michael Castellana said. “Broadview is happy to support projects and forge partnerships that foster the tight bond of this community, where our members and employees live, work, and unwind.” 

They hope the new benches will be ready by the spring of 2023. 

“We are appreciative of Broadview's generous support, enabling our students to revitalize a crucial aspect of a community project that we worked so hard on last year,” The Foundry executive director Megan McNally. “The newly installed benches at the Central Terminal will stand as a testament to the strength of collaboration and the remarkable impact that can be achieved when community partners and our youth unite to create tangible, transformative change in our neighborhoods.”

To learn more about the Buffalo Central terminal visit buffalocentralterminal.org

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