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Williamsville Schools to release revised reopening plans 'soon'

Superintendent Martzloff admits plan is unlikely to make everyone happy.

AMHERST, N.Y. — The superintendent of the Williamsville Central School District said Monday morning that a re-revised COVID school reopening plan would be released “today or tomorrow."

Superintendent Scott Martzloff told reporters, “I wanna share it internally first, no offense to any of you, before we share it externally.”

So parents, teachers and staff will get it first. But with the first day of instruction just two-weeks from Tuesday, parent anxiety and frustration are growing.

Jim Sinsabaugh, an IT professional with two children at Heim Elementary school, does not understand what it taking so long with the district’s reopening plan.

“My boss actually asked what happens if an asteroid comes and hits the data center? How do we get access to our data? These are problems that will probably never happen, but I’ve had to have plans for those since 2006 and it’s very troubling to me that the school district doesn’t have the same types of plans,” said Sinsabaugh.

Martzloff did disclose that he had a meeting scheduled Monday with teachers and representatives of the district’s teachers union. Among the concerns, just how many teachers will be willing to return to classrooms for in-person instruction.

“I think that’s one things that could change our plan at the last minute, if we have too many teachers or staff members that can’t come back to work or choose a different avenue other than coming back to work,” said Martzloff.

Online learning will be at least a part of the school plan, and parents who would like their child to be taught exclusively online have to notify the district by Wednesday.

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