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UB study looking to see if nicotine can help with memory retention

University at Buffalo researchers are looking to see if nicotine can help prevent memory loss.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — April is National Minority Health Month. The University at Buffalo is doing a study addressing the rising concern of memory loss.

Researchers are looking to see if nicotine can help prevent memory loss. They say Black and Hispanic adults are a greater risk of memory loss than their white counterparts.

They are looking for volunteers in those communities to help with their study. They are particularly looking for Black and Hispanic people who are 55 years and older.

"It's not just for our study. There is no medication in the pharmacy that has not been approved by the FDA to work because when you take something and you see an effect you don't know if its from the medicine or something else," Dr. Kinga Szigeti, a research doctor at UB said.

If you would like to volunteer or have questions, you can visit the mindstudy.org or by calling 716-323-0549.

According to UB, "The MIND Study is by far the largest and longest-running study of its kind, testing whether nicotine can improve memory loss. No tobacco companies are involved in the design, financing or management of the study.

"UB is one of 40 sites around the country involved in the study; some are still enrolling participants and some are closed for enrollment."


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