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Cuomo to be questioned Saturday in sexual harassment investigation

Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul told reporters at an event on Friday that she has not been interviewed in the investigation.

ALBANY, N.Y. — It's been four months since the state attorney general's office launched a probe into sexual harassment and misconduct allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

On Saturday, the governor is expected to be questioned by investigators, first reported by the New York Times. 

The governor has been accused by several women, with allegations ranging from unwanted kissing to groping and making inappropriate sexual remarks.

The probe overseen by state Attorney General Letitia James, a fellow Democrat, is not a criminal inquiry but it could have significant influence on an impeachment inquiry in the state legislature that could result in the third-term Democrat’s removal from office.

Any findings from the investigation that corroborate the allegations could sway impeachment proceedings or add to already sizable pressure for Cuomo to leave voluntarily.

Cuomo will be questioned in Albany, the state’s capital, near the end of a four-month process that has included interviews with many of the governor’s accusers and the turning over of documents.

Cuomo initially apologized and said he “learned an important lesson” about his behavior around women and would “fully cooperate” with the investigation. Since then, he’s denied that he did anything wrong and questioned the motivations of accusers and fellow Democrats who have called for his resignation.

During an event in Amherst on Friday, Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul took a few questions from reporters about Cuomo being questioned. 

"This is a normal part of it. It's not unexpected and like all New Yorkers, we'll await the results," Hochul said. 

Hochul said she has not been interviewed.

When asked about the governor's political future, she told reporters, "I think it's all very speculative. We are in the throes of an investigation that has been ongoing. There are multiple investigations and it's still very early in the process to make any conclusions as to political viability." 

2 On Your Side spoke to Civil Rights Attorney Lindy Korn for legal analysis. Korn specializes in preventing and correcting illegal workplace discrimination and sexual harassment. She said, from her perspective, up to this point the investigation appears to be "impressive" and credible.

"The team itself just seems to be well balanced and neutral so that gives me, as a resident of the State of New York and as an employment attorney, a very good assessment that they intend to do a very fair investigation and a thorough investigation," Korn said.

She added that just because the governor will have an opportunity to answer questions, doesn't necessarily mean the investigation will be wrapping up soon.

"It's important to every, every stakeholder that the compliant go on as long as it needs to following information that is gathered along the way," said Korn.

Richard Azzopardi, a spokesperson for the governor, released the following statement:

“We have said repeatedly that the Governor doesn’t want to comment on this review until he has cooperated, but the continued leaks are more evidence of the transparent political motivation of the Attorney General’s review.”

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