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New NAFTA Deal: How it will benefit New York farms and milk sales

Canada has joined the United States and Mexico in a last-minute trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, potentially opening up dairy markets long sought by New York dairy farmers.

ALBANY - Canada has joined the United States and Mexico in a last-minute trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, potentially opening up dairy markets long sought by New York dairy farmers.

The deal follows an agreement between the U.S. and Mexico last month that eliminated most tariffs on goods traded between the countries.

The Trump administration imposed an end of September deadline for Canada to join the agreement or face tariffs on vehicles exported to the U.S.

"It’ll either be a tariff on cars, or it’ll be a negotiated deal," Trump said at the time. "Frankly, a tariff on cars is a much easier way to go. Perhaps the other would be much better for Canada.”

On Monday, Trump praised the deal and so did New York farm groups.

New York is the third largest producer of milk in the nation. It also ranks first for the production of yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream, according to the state Farm Bureau.

But milk producers have suffered from lower prices and excess demand.

"We have negotiated this new agreement based on the ingredient of fairness and reciprocity," Trump said. "We have been treated unfairly all around the world, and we are changing that."

Trump said negotiating a better deal for dairy farmers was critical to the deal, calling it a "deal breaker" unless it was included.

That was positive news to David Fisher, owner of Mapleview Dairy, a 3,000-cow farm near the Canadian border in St. Lawrence County.

He said New York farms have suffered from an overcapacity and low prices in part because of the trade restrictions in North America.

Previous trade limits "really put a hurt on plant capacity in the Northeast and the ability move product," Fisher said.

What will change?

Under the new deal, which still has to be approved by Congress, Canada has agreed to expand access to its dairy markets by eliminating its Class 7 supply management system that the Trump administration argued undermined U.S. farmers.

Previously, Canadian dairy farmers were limited in how much product they could produce.

In exchange, farmers received a lower price, according to Andrew Novaokvic, director of land grant programs at Cornell University.

Canada will also add an export charge on skim milk products and infant formula, allowing U.S. producers to expand their presence overseas.

"We have an overall positive look at both the Canadian and Mexico agreement," said Lauren Williams, senior associate director of national affairs for the state Farm Bureau. "It's going to be a positive for New York agricultural, and with the Canadian provisions, it's going to be a positive for the New York dairy industry."

There no immediate comment from the state Department of Agriculture and Markets about the impact of the trade agreement on New York.

But Sen. Chuck Schumer praised the deal, which is called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

“As someone who voted against NAFTA and opposed it for many years, I knew it needed fixing," Schumer said in a statement.

"The president deserves praise for taking large steps to improve it. However, any final agreement must be judged on how it benefits and protects middle-class families and the working people in our country."

Schumer said he still wants to review the labor provisions in the deal and how the agreement will benefit New York dairy farmers.

How will it help New York?

The agreement will help dairy farmers in New York who had been stung by restrictive trade policies with Mexico and Canada, said Bob Wellington, a dairy economist at Agri-Mark Cooperative, which is based in Andover, Mass.

"The problem was our trade with Canada really put us in a hole about two years ago. And it looks like that is going to get straightened out," Wellington said. "I think very much so it’s going to be a positive."

He said the deal still doesn't address tariff issues with China, but, "At least on the Mexico and Canadian side, it looks like it will be resolved, and those are two of our largest trade partners."

Still, some problems remain.

The agreement will give New York farmers greater access to new markets, but may do little address the supply and demand issues driving down milk prices since 2014, according to Novaokvic.

Overall, there has been a general consumer decline in milk sales as customers find substitutes to milk.

"Typically when we say there's market access, that doesn't mean it's only for one company or one product," he said. "It's going to be a good thing for the U.S., but it isn't going to change the price forecast."

Still, Rep. Tom Reed, R-Corning, Steuben County, hailed the deal.

“This proposed deal brings our trading standards with Mexico and Canada out of the dark ages and into the 21st century and allows our dairy farmers and workers a fair shake at success,” Reed said in a statement.

“We look forward to further reviewing this deal to verify our all of our local farmers, manufacturers and workers are treated fairly.”

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