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New York State cracks down on organized retail theft

The Governor announced new measures being taken to protect retail business's in New York State.

NEW YORK STATE, USA — Governor Kathy Hochul made a public safety announcement on Tuesday regarding the measures that need to be taken to combat organized retail theft in New York State.

In the announcement, the Governor was joined by both members of the Legislature, and small business owners from across the state. 

Hochul's anti-theft plan will include $25 million dedicated to a retail theft unit within the New York State Police, $15 million for district attorneys, and local law enforcement, and $5 million to cover costs for businesses. 

A $5 million tax credit will also be offered to help small businesses pay for additional security measures such as security guards, and cameras. 

The new measures will also protect those who work in retail from assault, and online sales of stolen goods. 

“We've been successfully working with local law enforcement to drive down gun violence, murders and shootings – now we must take that same approach to curb organized retail theft,” Governor Hochul said. “It’s time to give police and prosecutors the tools they need to go after retail thieves and back our businesses with the full force of the law. Public safety is my top priority, and I'm committed to keeping customers and workers safe

Noir et Blanc TTH Vintage Boutique Owner Deborah Koenigsberger said, “Stores need help, and I am happy to say we have an ally in Governor Hochul. The Governor just gets it – the stores in New York that have had to deal with rising retail theft just want to be able to operate and serve their communities. The state legislature needs to act so that these stores get the protections they need and so that workers and consumers feel safe.”

Those looking to learn more can visit www.governor.ny.gov/news

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